Time Warp is a series of events that will run through the month of June. These events will all grant the exact same currency type - Battle Flags! There will be a total of 10 Time Warp associated events. Events where you are earn Battle Flags are...

Sacrifice rewards for June 2023 feature the following 2 characters: Sunrise Senjutsu Eddie and La Llorona. You’ll be able to trade your Sacrifice currency for a Heroic Legendary Soul, Mercy Talismans and a series of packs that contain Gunner Awakening Materials! These packs will give you...

From now until May 27th at 5PM PT, complete event challenges for rewards including Mysterious Vials, Aberration Soul, Iron Coins, Beastial Insignias and more! See the Challenge menu for full details! Bonus: Mysterious Vials are ALSO dropping in the Eternal Frontier Dungeon, Mayan Frontier Dungeon, Road to...