Win a 4* Warrior Newborn of Light GUARANTEED in our latest event!

Win the hard-hitting, Revenge powered Warrior Newborn of Light in our latest event!

Earn Newborn Soul Fragments in the Lord of Light Dungeons from June 12-15 5pm PDT!

Collect 200 Newborn Soul Fragments & claim a Soul guaranteed to produce a 4* Warrior Newborn of Light.

The Newborn of Light is an invaluable asset in the Arena and Dungeons, and is a true powerhouse equipped with abilities such as Revenge!

Revenge gives a chance to counterattack each time your team gets hit. When executed it will strip those pesky beneficial effects from your target!

We’ve placed a free pack of 10 Newborn Fragments in the Store to get you started!

See the news feed in-game, or the forums for more details:!