30 Nov Deck the Hells – Info and Discussion
Deck the Hells is a series of events that will run through the month of December. These events will all grant the exact same currency type – Bloody Icicles!
There will be a total of 9 Deck the Hells associated events.
Events where you are earn Bloody Icicles Currency are as follows:
Snowmageddon (Time Rift)
Wreath Of Ice (Variety)
Krampuslauf Event (Boss Run)**
Splintered Armour (Evolution – Combo)
Unleashed Swarm Event (Raid Boss)**
From The Abyss (Frontier Dungeon)
By The Horns (Arena)
Hell And Ice (Dungeon)
Cosmic Child of the Damned (Fragment)
Demonic Upheaval (Cosmos & Frontier)
**Clan events! Extra event challenges will be available to players who belong to a Clan. Some of these Challenges will contain Solo or Group targets. Clan Solo event challenges count your progress alone (you still need to be in a Clan to see these challenges). Clan Group event challenges will count the efforts of all members of your Clan towards the ultimate goal!
BONUS: For the month of December, Bloody Icicles will also be earnable through infinitely repeatable event challenges involving the Trooper, Gangland and Cosmic Frontier Dungeons!
Trade your Bloody Icicles in the Event Store for rare rewards including 5★ Abominable Eddie, Cosmic Sinister Solstice and Cosmic Untamed Talismans, plus more!
Yeddie or not, here he comes! Abominable Eddie crashes into Legacy of the Beast this holiday season. Our latest Eddie is equipped to outlast his opponents by healing for 50% of his MAX HP anytime an ally or enemy dies. This 5★Assassin is an ice cold killer and specializes in dealing extra damage and negative effects to frozen enemies.
Deck the Hells offers will be available in the Event store until 4PM PT on January 6th 2023!
After this time, all Event store items will disappear and event currency will be automatically converted into Precious Soul Fragments at a 10% rate.