08 Oct Overflowing Tenacity Clan Event (Evolution) – Earn Cosmic Talismans and Upgrade Materials!
Earn Talisman Souls from Event Challenges, and summon to claim GUARANTEED Cosmic Talismans.
From now until October 18th 5PM PT, complete Event Challenges by powering up and evolving your characters and talismans to earn a variety of rewards including Cosmic Evolution Materials, Talisman Soul Fragments and Forbidden Scrolls.
Forbidden Scrolls is the event currency of our Harbinger Of War event running until October 31st at 5pm PT.
Trade your Forbidden Scrolls in the Event Store for rare rewards including 5⭐Jirōbō, Tengu Lorekeeper, Cosmic Aesir Talismans, Cosmic Different World Talismans and more!
You can learn more about this featured event in the Harbinger Of War event post!
Add a link to the Harbinger Of War mega event post to the text line above
BONUS: Complete Event Challenge Stretch Goals to receive new Evolution Talisman Soul Fragments!
300 Evolution Talisman Fragments = 1 Evolution Talisman Soul
The Evolution Talisman Soul is a unique Soul with contents that will change on a monthly basis (similar to Heroic Souls!).
These Souls have a chance of dropping a T1, T2 OR T3 Gold Cosmic Talisman, and will also provide 100 Epic Evolution Talisman Soul Fragments.
300 Epic Evolution Talisman Fragments = 1 Epic Evolution Talisman Soul
The Epic Evolution Talisman Soul will grant a guaranteed T2 Gold Cosmic Talisman with the set-bonus of the month! It will also provide 100 Mythic Evolution Talisman Fragments.
400 Mythic Evolution Talisman Fragments = 1 Mythic Evolution Talisman Soul
When summoned, this Soul will provide a guaranteed T3 Gold Cosmic Talisman with the set-bonus of the month.
This month all Evolution Talisman Souls are guaranteed to summon a Gold Cosmic Talisman with the ability to grant the Cosmic Water set bonus! This set bonus will:
Inflict Perfect Bleed on all enemies for 3 turns at the start of battle. Inflict Perfect Blind and Perfect Silence on a random enemy for 2 turns when you take damage.
Gain the following effects if a Fire, Earth, Air, or Arcanum talisman are active on self:
Immune to Bleed Effects, Stun Effects and Sleep Effects. Transform Burn effects on self into a random beneficial effect at the start of your turn. Permanently increase Magic and MR of other allies by 15% at the start of battle.
Note: It doesn’t matter when you earned the soul; the Talisman you will earn is determined when you open the soul, so saved up souls and fragments will change what they can give over time!
You can learn more about Cosmic Talisman categorization in our Cosmic Talisman Guide in the newsfeed!
Notes on Clan Event Challenges:
Players can join a Clan part way through an event in order to obtain these extra Event Challenges.
If you are removed from your Clan, or choose to Leave a Clan during the event, you will no longer be able to participate in the Clan Event Challenges. After the 24 hour cooldown you can then join a different Clan. This will give you access to any active Clan Event Challenges, and any Clan Group Challenges will be updated to the current total for your new Clan. If the Clan has already completed and claimed a Clan Group Challenge, the new member will not be able to claim that reward. Players will not gain double rewards by Clan hopping.