Missed out on past Collaboration Events? Now is your chance! From now until January 25th at 4PM PT, battle in the Metal Mania Frontier Dungeon complete Event Challenges to earn a variety of rewards, including Evolution Shards, Angelic Tomes, and collaboration characters! Once the event...

Earn Talisman Souls from Event Challenges, and summon to claim GUARANTEED Cosmic Talismans. From now until January 19th 4PM PT, complete Event Challenges by powering up and evolving your characters and talismans to earn a variety of rewards including Cosmic Evolution Materials, Talisman Soul Fragments and...

From now until January 13th at 4PM PT, battle in the Brave New World and Cosmic Talisman Dungeons to earn Blessed Scrolls. If you battle in Brave New World, Blessed Scrolls drop in amounts of 5, 10 or 25. Battle in the Cosmic Talisman Dungeon and...

From now until January 10th at 4PM PT, battle in the Fallen Fortress Frontier Dungeon and complete Event Challenges to earn a variety of rewards, including Fallen Fortress Frontier Key Souls, Holy Artifacts, Iron Coins, and more! You can access Fall Fortress Frontier Dungeon by: 🔸Purchasing Key...

Judgement Of Heaven is a series of events that will run through the month of January. These events will all grant the exact same currency type - Angelic Tomes! There will be a total of 8 Judgement Of Heaven associated events. Events where you are earn Angelic...