24 Mar Beacon Of Light (Sands) – Earn Torch Talismans, Cosmic Avalon’s Light Talismans
From now until March 31st at 5PM PT, complete event challenges to earn rewards such as Torch Talismans, Sentinel Awakening Materials, Polished Blades, Galactic Cores and more!
Trade Polished Blades in store for additional Torch Talismans (Arcane, Power and Sorcery subtypes), as well as Cosmic Avalon’s Light Talismans.
The Torch Talisman is a blue talisman with a 5-set effect. Equip these talismans to gain the following abilities:
Reduce damage taken by 50%. Remove All Negative Effects, including Silver effects, from self. Allies take 90% reduced damage on the first round of battle. Inflict Perfect Stun for 2 turns on a random enemy after every action. Heal self to full HP and gain Perfect Revenge for 2 turns whenever an ally dies for the first time in battle. Whenever another ally dies, permanently increase DEF and MR of self by 100% and deal a physical hit of true damage to all enemies. 50% Chance to heal up to MAX HP when you reach 1 HP.
Note: At the end of this event, any unspent Currency will be automatically converted into Sands of Time at a 5% rate.
Galactic Cores is the event currency of our Cosmic Calamity event running until April 4th 5pm PT.
Trade your Galactic Cores in the Event Store for rare rewards including 5⭐ Galactic Terror Eddie, Hellfire Ammunition Talismans and more!
You can learn more about this featured event in the Cosmic Calamity event post here!
Event Store Additions:
🔹Prepare to battle bosses with the Boss Battle Bundle. This package includes Space Time Amulets, Sands of Blood, Awakening Fragments and more!
🔹Grab an additional boost of Event Currency to trade for more items in the Event Store. This pack also contains Talisman Soul Fragments, Frontier Coins, Ironite and more!