30 Sep Burial Breach (Frontier Dungeon) – Earn 5⭐ Twilight Zone Eddie and more!
From now until October 7th at 5PM PT, battle in the Hallowed Boneyard Frontier Dungeon and complete Event Challenges to earn a variety of rewards. Madness difficulty is newly added and drops Fire Talismans!
Graveyard Supplies can be traded in store for Twilight Zone Eddie, Live After Death Eddie, Staff Talismans, Freya Talismans, and more!
Note: At the end of this event, any unspent Currency will be automatically converted into Precious Soul Fragments at a 10% rate.
Staff Talismans are a new green 5-set with the following effects:
35% Chance to take no damage per attack. 35% Chance to counterattack when anyone on your team takes damage. Immune to Corruption Effects and Stat Reduction effects, including Silver and Innate effects. Inflict Exhaust, Perfect Crave, and Perfect Death for 2 turns on all enemies at the start of battle. Transform Crave effects on all allies into Regen HP for the duration of battle at the start of your turn. Deal 2 hits of random damage to all enemies based on your MAX HP and inflict Perfect Crave on up to two random enemies for 1 turn each action. Permanently Increase All Stats on self by 10% and gain Lifesteal and Spell Vamp for 2 turns whenever you take damage.
Forbidden Scrolls is the event currency of our Harbinger Of War event running until October 31st at 5pm PT.
Trade your Forbidden Scrolls in the Event Store for rare rewards including 5⭐Jirōbō, Tengu Lorekeeper, Cosmic Aesir Talismans, Cosmic Different World Talismans and more!
You can learn more about this featured event in the Harbinger Of War event post!
Add a link to the Harbinger Of War mega event post to the text line above
Event Store Additions
Grab an additional boost of Event Currency to trade for more items in the Event Store. This pack also contains Talisman Soul Fragments, Frontier Coins, Ironite and more!