16 Oct Collect a 4⭐ Sentinel Undead Convict GUARANTEED in the Lord of Light!
Conquer the Lord of Light to earn Undead Convict AND Lilith Soul Fragments!
From now until October 19th, 5 PM PT, each battle in the Lord of Light dungeons has a chance of dropping Undead Convict Soul Fragments.
Each Lord of Light battle has a chance of dropping 5, 10 or if you’re lucky, 50 fragments! Additionally, players who battle in Lord of Light Floors 11-15 will also be able to earn greater amounts of Undead Convict Fragments (10, 20 or 50) at an increased drop rate!
Collect 200 Fragments and you can redeem them in the Book of Souls’ Fragments screen for your very own 4⭐Sentinel Undead Convict.
The Undead Convict joins the cast as a new 4⭐Sentinel in Legacy of the Beast. Fueled by an unnatural hunger, the Undead Convict ravages her enemies by inflicting Crave and Stun, while looking out for her team with HP Regen and Revive abilities!
This Fragment event will also feature 4 Event Challenges which will reward a variety of items including XP Shards, Frontier Keys and Equilibrium Fragments.
We’ve placed a free pack of 10 Undead Convict Fragments in the Store to get you started!
Extra Undead Convict Fragments can score you Envious Talismans, and the rare Cosmic Crimean Imperial Talismans!
Trade in regular Lilith Soul Fragments for Cosmic Lilith Fragments. 500 Lilith Fragments will secure you 25 Cosmic Lilith Fragments. 500 Fragments will get you a guaranteed 5⭐Magus Cosmic Lilith!
During this event, the Lord of Light will also feature the following changes:
🎉Collect Lilith Soul Fragments! These special Fragments have a chance of dropping from all floors of the Lord of Light dungeons during this week’s Undead Convict event!
💎BONUS! Rare Soul drop rates in the Lord of Light dungeons have increased by x3 during this event only!
Start collecting fragments NOW: http://m.onelink.me/49d39710