31 Mar Cursed Sandstorm – Info and Discussion
Cursed Sandstorm is a series of events that will run through the month of April. These events will all grant the exact same currency type – Egyptian Gemstones!
There will be a total of 8 Cursed Sandstorm associated events.
Events where you are earn Egyptian Gemstones Currency are as follows:
A Fool’s Disguise (Variety)**
Roaring Of Guns (Frontier)
Warrior Angel (Fragment)
Exposed Weakness (Evolution)
The Original Sin (Cosmos & Skull Quest)
Dawnbringer (Brave New World)
The Frenzied Hunt (Raid Boss)**
Belshazzar’s Feast (Dungeon)
**Clan events! Extra event challenges will be available to players who belong to a Clan. Some of these Challenges will contain Solo or Group targets. Clan Solo event challenges count your progress alone (you still need to be in a Clan to see these challenges). Clan Group event challenges will count the efforts of all members of your Clan towards the ultimate goal!
BONUS: For the month of April, Egyptian Gemstones will also be earnable through infinitely repeatable event challenges involving the Gangland, Lord of Light XI-XV and Road to Valhalla Frontier Dungeons!
Trade your Egyptian Gemstones in the Event Store for rare rewards including 5★ Sentinel Storm-Rider Pharaoh Eddie, Cosmic High Virtue – Restraint Talismans, Cosmic Mongol Talismans and more!
Have you seen the writing on the wall?
Have you seen that writing?
From out of the storm, the riders descend. Storm-Rider Pharaoh Eddie is the fourth rider revealed. Utilize Eddie’s abilities to tear down foes’ defenses and bolster your own! You’ll want to bring specific characters alongside Storm-Rider Eddie to bolster his Heraldry. The larger your Heraldry, the more powerful he’ll become!
Cursed Sandstorm offers will be available in the Event store until 5PM PT on May 3rd 2022!
After this time, all Event store items will disappear and event currency will be automatically converted into Precious Soul Fragments at a 10% rate.