09 Nov Daybreak – Exclusive chance to earn new Dawn Talismans and more!
From now until November 16th 4pm PT, complete event challenges to earn rewards such as Guitar Talismans (Ward), Sentinel Awakening Materials, Polished Shells, Jewelled Jaws and more!
Trade Polished Shells in store for Dawn Talismans, Moon Talismans, Cosmic Tour Talismans and more!
Learn more about Dawn Talisman below:
Gain Immunity to All Negative Effects, including Silver effects, for the first 2 rounds of battle. Remove a Negative Effect, including Silver effects, from self when you take damage.
Gain the following effects if Dusk or Moon is active on self:
Immune to being instantly killed. Reduce damage taken by 50%.
Note: At the end of this event, any unspent Currency will be automatically converted into Sands of Time at a 5% rate.
Jewelled Jaws is the event currency of our Eater Of Souls event running until November 30th at 4pm PT.
Trade your Jewelled Jaws in the Event Store for rare rewards including 5⭐Apophis Eddie, Cosmic Avalon’s Light Talismans, Cosmic Avalon’s Corruption Talismans and more!
You can learn more about this featured event in the Eater Of Souls event post!
Event Store Additions:
🔸Grab an additional boost of Event Currency to trade for more items in the Event Store. This pack also contains Talisman Soul Fragments, Frontier Coins, Ironite and more!