31 Jul Different World – Info and Discussion
Different World is a series of events that will run through the month of August. These events will all grant the exact same currency type – Salvaged Technology!
There will be a total of 8 Different World associated events.
Events where you are earn Salvaged Technology Currency are as follows:
**Clan events! Extra event challenges will be available to players who belong to a Clan. Some of these Challenges will contain Solo or Group targets. Clan Solo event challenges count your progress alone (you still need to be in a Clan to see these challenges). Clan Group event challenges will count the efforts of all members of your Clan towards the ultimate goal!
BONUS: For the month of August, Salvaged Technology will also be earnable through infinitely repeatable event challenges involving the Raven’s Altar, Baphomet’s Bar, and Infernal Frontier Dungeons!
Spend your Salvaged Technology in the Event store tab to get rare rewards including Different World Eddie, Cosmic Different World Talismans and other exciting rewards!
An avatar of diverse thought and unique identity, Different World Eddie takes to the field, wielding a Cyclone Shield to show his foes an alternative path to follow. This Different World character has a completely unique take on effects, making sure his allies and enemies don’t get too complacent with any one specific status effect. Everybody has a different way to view the world, and Different Eddie exemplifies this philosophy.
Get full character details in the Compendium!
The Cosmic Different World Talisman provides an exclusive bonus when equipped to characters with the phrase ‘Different World’ in their names. This Talisman increases stats in battle, and reduces incoming damage. Its wearers will also gain the following effects:
Grant a random beneficial effect for the duration of the battle to each ally if they have at least 3 differently named negative effects on them, including Silver effects, at the start of your turn. Inflict a random negative effect for the duration of the battle on each enemy if they have at least 3 differently named beneficial effects on them, including Golden effects, at the start of your turn. Grant 3 random beneficial effects for 3 turns to each ally with no beneficial effects, including Golden effects, after every action. Inflict 3 random negative effects for 3 turns on each enemy with no negative effects, including Silver effects, after every action.
Currency can also be traded for Cosmic Aesir Talismans, as well as various Souls, currencies and powerup materials.
Different World offers will be available in the Event store until 5PM PT ON September 3rd 2021!
After this time, all Event store items will disappear and Salvaged Technology will be automatically converted into Precious Soul Fragments at a 10% rate.