17 Sep Earn the new Vocal Talismans, 5⭐Allies and more!
From now until September 27th at 5PM PT, every Rare, Epic, Legendary and Mythic Soul you open in the Book of Souls, regardless of where you earned it (Skull Quests, bought from Store, earned from Sacrifice, etc) will give you a guaranteed bonus of Pristine Headstones Event Currency.
This event also features a number of challenges that reward additional Pristine Headstones, Catalyst Soul, Conqueror’s Swords and more.
Pristine Headstones can be traded in for 5⭐Assaiki Sumo Yokozuna, 5⭐ Hanabi Fan Master, Vocal Talismans and more!
The Vocal Talisman reduces damage and more:
Reduce damage taken by 50%. Immune to Doom, Ghost Effects, Stun Effects and Freeze Effects. Whenever another ally dies, permanently increase DEF and MR of self by 100% and deal a devastating hit of physical damage to the attacking enemy. Prevent each ally from taking more than 10% of their MAX HP as damage from any single attack for 10 turns at the start of battle. 50% Chance to take no damage when attacked. 50% Chance to remove all permanent Stat Decreases, Innate and Unblockable negative effects from all allies. Steal Perfect Immunity, Heal Shield, and Perfect Heal Shield from all enemies every action.
Note: At the end of this event, any unspent Currency will be automatically converted into Heroic Legendary Soul Fragments at a 5% rate.
Conqueror’s Swords is the event currency of our Undying March event running until September 30th 5pm PT.
Trade your Conqueror’s Swords in the Event Store for rare rewards including 5⭐ Macedon King Eddie, Cosmic Saga – The Final Frontier Talismans, Cosmic High Virtue – Patience Talismans and more!
You can learn more about this featured event in the Undying March event post!
Pristine Headstones will be granted in the following amounts when the following Souls are summoned.
**Note – This special event will include talisman and heroic souls:
Event Store Additions:
🔸Spend your extra Pristine Headstones on Awakening Souls, Talisman Epic Soul Fragments, Space Time Amulets, Sands of Blood, Lucifer Soul Fragments, 5* Cosmic XP Shards, Gold and Skill Shards
🔸Grab an additional boost of Event Currency to trade for more items in the Event Store. This pack also contains Talisman Soul Fragments, Frontier Coins, Ironite and more!