14 Dec From the Abyss (Frontier) – Earn Cosmic Winter Solstice Talismans and more!
From now until December 21st at 4PM PT, complete Event Challenges in the Icy Abyss Frontier Dungeon to earn a variety of rewards, including Misplaced Treasures, Awakening Shards, Bloody Icicles and more!
You can access the Dungeon by:
Completing a repeatable event challenge (Spend 100 Sands of Time)
Claiming 1 free Key Soul in the store (this event only)
Purchasing Key Souls with Gold
Purchasing Key Souls with Frontier Coins.
More details on the Dungeon below!
Misplaced Treasures can be traded in store for Cosmic Winter Solstice Talismans, Cosmic Snow Talismans, as well as Festive and Corrupted Data Awakening Shards.
Note: At the end of this event, any unspent Currency will be automatically converted into Precious Soul Fragments at a 10% rate.
Bloody Icicles is the event currency of our Deck the Hells event running until January 3rd 4pm PT.
Trade your Bloody Icicles in the Event Store for rare rewards including Abominable Eddie, Cosmic Sinister Solstice Talismans and more!
Icy Abyss Dungeon Details
Earn Coalgiver Eddie by completing Icy Abyss Dungeon Achievements!
Once it is unlocked, the Icy Abyss Dungeon will be open for 2 hours total and can be played an unlimited amount of times during that period. Note: This dungeon is restricted to Natural 4★ characters only!
We have just added a second difficulty setting to this dungeon, so you can now take on both regular, and hard settings. You can now gain progress on all Icy Abyss Dungeon achievements on both difficulties!
The first time you complete this dungeon, you will receive set rewards including a Legendary Soul, Talisman Soul Fragments and more.
All subsequent victories are guaranteed to provide Evo Shards, as well as a chance of bonus rewards, including Snow and Apocalypse Talismans on regular difficulty and Coal and Parcel Talismans on Hard.
**IMPORTANT: If you purchase another Icy Abyss Dungeon Frontier Key while the corresponding Dungeon is already open you will refresh that dungeon’s countdown timer.