16 Dec Game Update 7.02
Game Update – December 16, 2020
A new update is now available!
New Achievements
8 new Achievements have been added to the Challenge menu. Some of these achievements feature an upcoming Frontier Dungeon that will become available in January 2021.
New Awakenable Character
Edward the Great is now awakenable! You can start powering up these characters to new levels as of this update.
New Store Additions
Get Sands of Blood for Freya and Fenrir Fragments in the Clan Store
Tuning Changes
Follow this link to see all the Tuning Changes in this release! http://www.news.maiden-lotb.com/n1/character-tuning-7-02/
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Stability improvements and minor bug fixes
Book of Souls Changes
New characters added to the Book of Souls character pool:
Undead Convict (Sentinel)