28 Jul Game Update – July 28th 2022
A new update is now available!
Fourth Raid Boss Released!
The Celtic God Cernunnos is the toughest raid boss yet. Cernunnos manifests into Legacy of the Beast as a Sentinel class God, protecting their allies from harm and forcing foes to crack their Gaea’s Ward protection before being able to deal damage! With Gaea’s Might, Cernunnos smashes enemies and, with enough Power, will quickly become an unstoppable force of nature.
Head to Clans and take on Cernunnos today!
Loot Table Changes
As discussed in our State of the Nation, we have made some minor changes to the Raid Boss loot tables. Specifically, we have moved Clan character fragments that were previously earnable in Odin and Baphomet to Amaterasu and Cernunnos.
- Thor Eddie, and Rota Valhalla Maiden Soul Fragments have been removed as top prizes from Odin, and added as top prizes to Amaterasu.
- Freya, Gunnr Valhalla Maiden and Fenrir Soul Fragments have been removed as top prizes from Baphomet and added as top prizes to Cernunnos.
In addition to this, T1-T2 and T2-T3 Bespoke Cosmic Talisman upgrade materials (Folded Sail, Raven Feather, Angel Wing and War Drums) have been added as Top Prize rewards for Amaterasu and Cernunnos.
The movement of character soul fragments and the addition of these new prizes are the only loot table changes present in this release. No other rewards have been touched.
How to get a Top Prize:
Top Prize refers to the upper most potential rewards. Players are able to see possible Top Prizes displayed for each Boss on the Raid Boss battle selection screen. While these are potential prizes, not every battle won will give you the opportunity to earn a top prize. To get a top prize you must achieve SS or SSS Grade on Floor X or SSS Grade on Floor IX.
SS Grade is achieved by reducing 80% of the Raid Boss’ health in one match and SSS is achieved by reducing 100% of the Raid Boss’ health in one match.
We have created tables below to showcase the possible Top Prizes available for each Raid Boss.
*When you get a Top Prize you are guaranteed to win some of the prizes listed in the Top Prize table
**When players achieve SSS on Floor X both reward tables for the specific boss they battled are referenced when prizes are allotted
***Extra bonus tables are potential bonus rewards for getting a Top Prize. It is not guaranteed that you will receive one of these bonus table rewards.
Point Distribution
Our latest update has also modified the Raid Boss Point Distribution!
Players will be able to earn a larger amount of Raid Points by fighting our newest Raid Boss, Cernunnos.
In addition to this, the lower 6 ranks of Raid Boss (F to A Grades) will be worth more points overall! With this boosting of base points, early game players who battle in lower levels will see their contributions matter even more to the Clan total.
New Clan Theme and Profile Images!
In honour of the release of Cernunnos, players will now see their Clan hub transformed into a mystical forest. We’ve also added 3 new profile images for your Clan to choose from – Senjutsu Eddie, Amaterasu and Cernunnos!
Updated Frontier Dungeon
The Labyrinth Frontier dungeon now has a Madness Difficulty setting. We’ll have an event focused on this dungeon starting in late August!
New Achievements
10 new Achievements have been added to the Challenge menu.
New Awakenable Characters
Wicker Man Eddie and the Clairvoyant are now awakenable! You can start powering up these characters to new levels as of this update.
New Store Additions
New Permanent additions to the Update Store! 3* and 2* Evolution Shard Packs are now in the Characters tab of the Upgrade store, and 3* and 2* Evolution Rune Packs are now in the Talismans Tab of the Upgrade Store.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- All Raid Bosses no longer heal through their abilities or talismans.
- Dark Star Clairvoyant will now receive the Awakened Clairvoyant’s abilities, ‘Divine’ and ‘Time To Live’.
- Updated two lines in the Yasakani no Magatama cosmic artifact talisman to now punish the enemy team for Instant Killing the bearer and their allies.
- Adding Bushida Ryo, Avatar of Eddie to the characters able to use the Cosmic Viking talisman.
- When Exalted and Empowered effects are removed from a character through an ability- the associated ‘Special Effect’ icon has been removed.
- Passionate Awakening Shards added to Awakening Soul
- Lantern and Dragonscale Cosmic Talismans added to Talisman Soul
- IMFC Eddie has been unlocked, so players can new sell or Sacrifice him