15 Aug Harmonious Onslaught Clan Event – Earn the new Guitar Talisman and more!
From now until August 22nd at 5PM PT, complete Clan event challenges and battle bosses to earn rewards such as Guitar Picks, Sentinel Awakening Shards, Ammunition Clips and more!
Guitar Picks can also be earned by battling in the Fallen Fortress, Final Journey, Baphomet’s Bar, Samurai, Mystic Nights, Powerslave, The Labyrinth, and Infernal Frontier Dungeons. Each successful run will award 15 Guitar Picks on Normal difficulty, 20 Guitar Picks on Hard and 25 Guitar Picks on Madness.
Trade your Guitar Picks for Guitar Talismans, Cosmic Saga – Piece Of Mind Talismans, Cosmic Purity Talismans and more!
Note: At the end of this event, any unspent Currency will be automatically converted into Precious Soul Fragments at a 10% rate.
Ammunition Clips is the event currency of our Fearless Tactics event running until August 31st 5pm PT.
Trade your Ammunition Clips in the Event Store for rare rewards including 5⭐ Tank Commander Eddie, Cosmic Demon Prince Talismans and Cosmic Deity Talismans and more!
You can learn more about this featured event in the Fearless Tactics event post!
Event Store Additions:
💠Grab an additional boost of Event Currency to trade for more items in the Event Store. This pack also contains Talisman Soul Fragments, Frontier Coins, Ironite and more!
Notes on Clan Event Challenges:
Players can join a Clan partway through an event in order to obtain these extra Event Challenges.
If you are removed from your Clan or choose to Leave a Clan during the event, you will no longer be able to participate in the Clan Event Challenges. After the 24 hour cooldown, you can then join a different Clan. This will give you access to any active Clan Event Challenges, and any Clan Group Challenges will be updated to the current total for your new Clan. If the Clan has already completed and claimed a Clan Group Challenge, the new member will not be able to claim that reward. Players will not gain double rewards by Clan hopping.