22 Feb Humbled Outlook – Earn Different World themed characters and more!
From now until March 1st at 4PM PDT, battle in the Brave New World and Cosmic Talisman Dungeons for a chance of earning Ordinary Orbs. If you battle in Brave New World, Ordinary Orbs drop in amounts of 5, 10 or 25. If you battle in the Cosmic Talisman Dungeons, Ordinary Orbs drop in amounts of 10, 20 or if you’re really lucky, 50!
Ordinary Orbs can be traded in store for 3 Different World characters (Different World Eddie, Oracle of the Different World, and Agent B, Galactic Operative) Cosmic High Virtue Humility Talismans and more!
Note: At the end of this event, any unspent Currency will be automatically converted into Precious Soul Fragments at a 5% rate.
Buried Treasures is the event currency of our From the Grave event running until March 1 4PM PT.
Trade your Buried Treasures in the Event Store for rare rewards including No Prayer for the Dying Eddie, Cosmic Bounty Hunter Talismans and more!
NOTE: This is the FINAL From the Grave event. Once this event is over you will no longer be able to earn Buried Treasures.