31 Jul Perpetual Puzzle – Earn Celestial and Cosmic Icarus Talismans!
From now until August 7th at 5PM PT, complete Event Challenges in the Labyrinth Frontier Dungeon to earn a variety of rewards, including Monstrous Currency, Talisman Soul Fragments, Salvaged Technology Currency and more!
You can access the Dungeon by:
Completing a repeatable event challenge (Spend 100 Sands of Time)
Claiming 1 free Key Soul in the store
Purchasing Key Souls with Gold (this event only)
Purchasing Key Souls with Frontier Coins.
More details on the Dungeon below!
Monstrous Currency can be traded in store for Celestial Talismans, and Cosmic Icarus Talismans!
Cosmic Icarus Talismans can be equipped to Icarus, Daedalus, Flight of Icarus Eddie and Fallen Icarus Eddie! They will increase all stats in battle, reduce incoming damage, increase damage dealt to enemies and will disable the passives of up to 3 enemies for 1 turn. This Talisman will also allow you to avoid taking damage for 1 turn, and will revive a random ally every time you take damage the first time you reach 1 HP in Battle.
Salvaged Technology Currency is the event currency of our Different World event running throughout August.
Trade your Salvaged Technology Currency in the Event Store for rare rewards including Different World Eddie, Cosmic Different World Talismans and more!
You can learn more about this featured event in the Different World event post here!
Labyrinth Dungeon Details
Earn Fallen Icarus Eddie by completing Labyrinth Dungeon Achievements!
Once it is unlocked, the Labyrinth Dungeon will be open for 2 hours total and can be played an unlimited amount of times during that period. This dungeon also comes with a restriction making it so only Gunner class characters can be used to play!
We have just added a second difficulty setting to this dungeon, so you can now take on both regular AND Hard settings. You can now gain progress on all Labyrinth Dungeon achievements on both Normal and Hard difficulties!
The first time you complete this dungeon, you will receive set rewards including a Legendary Soul, Talisman Soul Fragments and more. All subsequent victories are guaranteed to provide Evo Shards, as well as a chance of bonus rewards, including Greek Awakening Shards on both difficulties, Labyrinth and Sacred Talismans on Normal and Celestial and Archer Talismans on Hard.
**IMPORTANT: If you purchase another Labyrinth Dungeon Frontier Key while the corresponding Dungeon is already open you will refresh that dungeon’s countdown timer.