16 Aug Set’s Betrayal Event – Exclusive Chance at Set – Starts Today!
The murderous God Set is now available in Legacy of the Beast!. This 5 ⭐ Assassin is a blocker who can transform Enemy Golden Effects (boo!) into Silver Effects (yay!) and can grant Trap and Shroud to all allies.
Set is the fourth God to be released as part of the Gods of Powerslave Mega-Event. This is a series of events that will be running until the end of the summer where you can work towards earning the five different Gods of Powerslave! Even if you don’t get Set in this event, you’ll be able to work towards a guaranteed soul for him (or another God of Powerslave) over the course of the Mega-Event (For full mega-event details, head to the in-game newsfeed!).
Set’s Betrayal runs from August 16th to the 21st at 5pm PT. Enter the Temple of Powerslave, a limited time dungeon available in the Time Rift, and wage war against Pharaoh Eddie and the Gods of Powerslave!
Complete event challenges in the Temple to win Treachery Souls! Treachery Souls are limited time event souls which guarantee a 3★ to 5★ character of any class, with an exclusive chance of getting the God Set!
BONUS: Every battle in the Temple of Powerslave is guaranteed to award Colourless XP Shards
Battle Gods and Monsters today -> http://m.onelink.me/49d39710