26 Oct Shifting Sands – Battle for the Cosmic Newborn of Light and Golden Son!
Earn 2 EXCLUSIVE new characters!
From now until November 2nd at 5PM PT, complete Event Challenges by battling throughout the game to earn fragments for the Cosmic Newborn of Light and Cosmic Golden Son, plus other valuable rewards!
Collecting 250 Cosmic Newborn of Light Fragments GUARANTEES 1 Cosmic Newborn of Light. Likewise, collecting 250 Cosmic Golden Son Fragments GUARANTEES 1 Cosmic Golden Son.
Character Details:
Cosmic Newborn of Light (4★ Gunner): Stop your enemies in their tracks! This single target damager reduces the duration of beneficial effects and can inflict Shock, Stop, Smith and Ignite! This character also has no Talisman Slot restrictions, and will have Class Advantage over every enemy!
Cosmic Golden Son (4★ Gunner) Lull your enemies to sleep! This all enemy attacker can increase his allies Max HP and passively inflict Sleep on random enemies. This character also has no Talisman Slot restrictions, and will have Class Advantage over every enemy!
After this event, the Cosmic Newborn of Light and Golden Son, will only be featured occasionally in Heroic Soul Rotations. If you miss your chance to recruit them, it may be a very long time until you get another chance!