09 Nov Soul Transmission (Dungeon) – Exclusive chance at 5★ The Palenque Astronaut!
From now until November 16th at 4 PM PT, battle through the Soul Transmission Dungeon! This dungeon has 4 difficulty settings and a brand new storyline!
The first time you complete Normal, Hard or Madness, you will earn set rewards including:
Interstellar Souls
Goat (Arcane) Talismans
Your first Insanity run will grant a Catalyst Soul, 3★ T3 Evo Runes, and Talisman Epic Gold Red Soul Fragments.
All subsequent victories are [b]guaranteed[/b] to provide:
Tech Scraps
Dungeon Fragments
A chance of up to 2 bonus rewards, including: [B]Giant Talismans (Arcane Subtype)[/B].
Tech Scraps can be traded in store for Interstellar Souls in bundles of 1, 3 and 10, Cosmic Nagual Talismans, various Heroic Souls and The Palenque Astronaut!
Note: At the end of this event, any unspent Currency will be automatically converted into Dungeon Soul Fragments at a 10% rate.
Completing Event Challenges will grant various other rewards, including more Tech Scraps, Assassin Souls, Rabbit Talismans (Arcane Subtype) and Galactic Credits!
Galactic Credits is the event currency of our Intergalactic Performance event running until November 30th 4pm PT.
Trade your Galactic Credits in the Event Store for rare rewards including Neon Cybermetal Eddie, Cosmic Saga Final Frontier Talismans and more!
Interstellar Soul Details!
The Interstellar Soul is a limited time event soul which guarantees a 3★ to 5★ character of any class. This soul has a 2x chance of summoning 5★ non-highlight characters, and an exclusive chance of summoning 5★ Warrior The Palenque Astronaut.
Each Interstellar Soul summoned will also grant the following bonus rewards:
10 The Palenque Astronaut Soul Fragments
10 Mythical Soul Fragments
20 Talisman Gold Red Soul Fragments
750 The Palenque Astronaut Soul Fragments guarantees 1 5★ Warrior The Palenque Astronaut.
400 Talisman Gold Red Soul Fragments guarantees a Tier 1 to Tier 3 Gold or Red Cosmic Talisman and 5★ Gold Idol.