23 Dec Through Space and Time – Battle for 1 of 5 Special Edition Characters!
From now until December 30th at 4PM PT, complete Event Challenges by battling in Frontier Dungeons to earn Holiday Soul Fragments and other valuable rewards!
Holiday Soul Fragments can be spent in store on certain rare items, or you can claim 600 Holiday Soul Fragments to create 1 Holiday Soul.
The Holiday Soul is guaranteed to provide one of the following 5⭐ Special Edition characters:
- Samurai Emperor Eddie
- Corrupt Feldmarshall
- Pharaoh Ramesses Eddie
- Aces Bomber Eddie
- Van Helsing Eddie
Event Challenges will also award rare Cosmic Evo Materials and Snowflake Fragments.
Snowflake Fragments are the event currency of our overarching Arctic Avalanche event that is running through the holiday season.
Save your Snowflake Fragments to spend in the Snow Store on rare rewards including Frontier Coins, Catalyst Souls, Awakening Souls, the Ghost of Giving and MORE.
You can learn more about the Arctic Avalanche and Snowflake Fragments in our Arctic Avalanche newsfeed post!