Towerfall (Gauntlet) – Complete Challenges for Towerfall Talisman + Heroic Fragments

Complete specific challenges in the Gauntlet for valuable rewards!

From now until December 4th at 4PM PT, complete event challenges in the Gauntlet to earn rewards such as Heroic Legendary Fragments, Talisman Gold Red Soul Fragments, Warrior Souls, Ironite, Towerfall Talisman Fragments and more!

500 Towerfall Talisman Fragments = 1 Towerfall Talisman Soul

The Towerfall Talisman Soul is a unique Soul with contents that will change with every Towerfall event (similar to Talisman Evolution Souls!).

NEW FOR 2022! Summon these Souls to earn a T3 Gold Cosmic Talismans with a special set effect!

At this time, all Towerfall Talisman Souls are [b]guaranteed to summon a Gold Cosmic Talisman with the ability to grant the Goat set bonus! This set bonus will make the wearer:

Cannot take more than 5% of MAX HP as damage from a hit for 1 turn if not inflicted with negative effects, including Silver, Unblockable and Innate effects, at the start of your turn. 25% Chance to permanently increase All Stats of self by 25% when you are healed.

Gain the following Ascendant Effect if any other Zodiacal Talismans are active on self:

Immune to being instantly killed.

Note: It doesn’t matter when you earned the soul; the Talisman you will earn is determined when you open the soul, so saved up souls and fragments will change what they can give over time!