30 Jun Treacherous Expedition – Battle for Cosmic Talismans and Evo Materials!
From now until July 7th at 5PM PT, complete Event Challenges in Skull Quests and Frontier Dungeons to earn a variety of rewards, including Frozen Wasteland Key Souls, Awakening Materials and Perilous Fragments!
Perilous Fragments can be traded in store for high value items such as Cosmic Evolution Materials and T1-T3 Cosmic Radiant Talismans. These Talismans prevent the enemy from gaining offensive effects and gives you a random defensive effect every turn.
Many Treacherous Expedition event challenges will also provide Martyr Soul Fragments.
Martyr Fragments are the event currency of the Dark Crusades Event.
Trade your Martyr Fragments in the Mega Store for rare rewards including Templar Crusader Eddie, Crusader Cosmic Talismans and more!
During this event, Skull Quests will also be granting 1 bonus reward, in addition to normal level rewards. Bonus rewards include Frozen Wasteland Key Souls (20% chance of dropping!), Awakening Soul Fragments, Ironite, Heroic Soul Fragments, Skill Shards and more!
Frozen Wasteland Frontier Key Dungeon
Battle in this dungeon to gain T2-T3 Blue Cosmic Talismans!
During events such as this one, players can also access the Frozen Wasteland Dungeon by earning Frozen Wasteland Key Souls in Skull Quests. Summon these Key Souls to unlock the Frozen Wasteland Dungeon in the Time Rift!
Once it is unlocked, the Frozen Wasteland Dungeon will be open for 8 hours total. There are no limits on how many times the dungeon can be played within that time frame. We have recently added a third difficulty setting to this dungeon, so you can now take on both Hard, Madness AND Insanity settings.
The first time completion rewards for this dungeon are Talisman Soul Fragments, an Epic Soul, a Skill Shard and Ironite.
Each playthrough afterwards will grant you a chance for rewards such as Cosmic Evo materials, Evo Shards and more, as well as a GUARANTEED DROP of Icy Talisman Legendary Soul Fragments.
Collect 500 Icy Talisman Legendary Soul Fragments to create 1 Icy Talisman Legendary Soul.
This Soul is guaranteed to drop a random T2 or T3 Blue Cosmic Talisman, as well as 100 Icy Mythic Talisman Soul Fragments.
Collect 1000 of this Mythic Talisman Fragment to earn the Icy Mythic Talisman Soul. This Soul is guaranteed to drop a T3 Blue Cosmic Talisman.
**IMPORTANT: If you summon another Frozen Wasteland Frontier Key Soul while the corresponding Dungeon is already open you will refresh that dungeon’s countdown timer.