03 Dec Wreath of Ice (Variety) -Exclusive Chance at the 5★ Ice Queen
From now until December 10th at 4PM PDT, complete event challenges to earn rewards such as Awakening Shards, Talisman Evo Materials, Enchanter Orbs, Bloody Icicles and more!
Trade Enchanter Orbs in store for Cold Snap Souls, Cosmic Different World Talismans and Cosmic Freya Talismans.
Cold Snap Soul Details!
The Cold Snap Soul is a limited time event soul which guarantees a 3★ to 5★ character of any class. This soul has an increased chances of The Red Queen and an exclusive chance of summoning the 5★ Ice Queen.
Each Cold Snap Soul summoned will also grant the following bonus rewards:
10 Ice Queen Soul Fragments
10 Mythical Soul Fragments
20 Talisman Gold Red Soul Fragments
750 Ice Queen Soul Fragments guarantees a 5★ Magus Ice Queen
400 Talisman Gold Red Soul Fragments guarantees a Tier 1 to Tier 3 Gold or Red Cosmic Talisman and 5★ Gold Idol.
Note: At the end of this event, any unspent Currency will be automatically converted into Precious Soul Fragments at a 10% rate.
Bloody Icicles is the event currency of our Deck the Hells event running until January 3rd 4pm PT.
Trade your Bloody Icicles in the Event Store for rare rewards including Abominable Eddie, Cosmic Sinister Solstice Talismans and more!