17 May Among The Living (Dungeon) – Battle in our Anthrax themed Dungeon!
We’re teaming up with legendary rock band Anthrax for another incredible in-game collaboration.
We have brought the Anthrax mascot, Not Man, to life! Tearing it up on his skateboard and wielding a terrifying home-made weapon, he is ready and willing to shed some blood.
You can earn Not Man for free just by logging in! Log in any 7 days between May 18th and June 16th to earn epic rewards including Not Man himself on the 7th day!
You can get a look at Not Man in action during the Among The Living dungeon event. Available until May 24th at 5PM PT, this special dungeon features an Anthrax themed script, and 4 difficulty settings with epic rewards. He’ll team up with Eddie who is there to clean up the streets as the post nuclear explosion corrupted part of the population and is posing a threat to the unaffected civilians.
The first time you complete Normal, Hard or Madness, you will earn set rewards including:
▫️Lead and Blood Soul
▫️Dragon Talismans (Onslaught)
Your first Insanity run will grant three T3 3⭐ Cosmic Evo Runes and Talisman Epic Soul Fragments.
All subsequent victories are guaranteed to provide:
▫️Gun Magazines
▫️Dungeon Soul Fragments
▫️A chance of up to 2 bonus rewards, including: Hope Talismans (Onslaught).
Gun Magazines can be traded in store for Iron Fist Souls in bundles of 1, 3 and 10, plus Cosmic High Virtue – Humility Talismans and Heroic Souls!
Note: At the end of this event, any unspent Currency will be automatically converted into Dungeon Soul Fragments at a 10% rate.
Completing Event Challenges will grant various other rewards, including more Gun Magazines, Gunner Souls, Nuclear Talismans (Onslaught Subtype) and Beastial Insignias!
Beastial Insignias is the event currency of our Inner Demons event running until May 31st 5pm PT.
Trade your Beastial Insignias in the Event Store for rare rewards including 5⭐ Twisted Reflection Eddie, Cosmic Mask and Trooper Eddie Talismans and more!
You can learn more about this featured event in the Inner Demons event post!
Lead And Blood Soul Details!
Lead And Blood soul is a limited time event soul which guarantees a 3⭐ to 5⭐ character of any class. This soul has an increased chance of summoning 5⭐Paschendale Eddie.
Each Lead and Blood Soul summoned will also grant the following bonus rewards:
10 Paschendale Eddie Soul Fragments
20 Talisman Gold Red Soul Fragments
500 Paschendale Eddie Soul Fragments guarantees a 5⭐ Paschendale Eddie!
400 Talisman Gold Red Soul Fragments guarantees a Tier 1 to Tier 3 Gold or Red Cosmic Talisman and 1⭐ Gold Idol.
Event Store Additions:
▫️Trade in Ironite to pick up more Hope Talismans (Onslaught).
▫️Grab an additional boost of Event Currency to trade for more items in the Event Store. This pack also contains Talisman Soul Fragments, Frontier Coins, Ironite and more!
Dungeon Fragment Details:
Dungeon Fragments will drop in event Dungeons. Use Dungeon Fragments to purchase items found within the Event Store Tab. You can continue collecting and building your stockpiles of Dungeon Fragments with each Dungeon event.
Please note that the items available for Dungeon Fragments disappear between dungeon events. They will reappear again with the same items available the next time a dungeon event is held.