Earn Talisman Souls from Event Challenges, and summon to claim GUARANTEED Cosmic Talismans. From June 8th until June 24th at 5pm PT, complete Power Up and Evolution themed Event Challenges to earn a variety of rewards including Cosmic Evolution Materials and Talisman Soul Fragments. 400 Talisman Soul...

Introducing Frontier Keys! Use Frontier Keys to unlock Daily and Weekly Dungeons to work towards incredible rewards. Read below to learn Challenge Dungeon Basics. Daily Challenge Dungeons Completing your regular Daily Challenges now grants an additional reward - the Common Gold Key Soul. Summon the Common Gold Key Soul...

Earn Undying Fragments to trade for valuable rewards! Earn Undying Soul Fragments, Iron Coins, and Gold by achieving milestones in the Arena! From now until June 1st at 5 PM PT, there are new event challenges added to the Challenges screen. These reward you for getting a...

Every sacrifice now gives a bonus Assassin-themed reward! From now until May 30th, 5 PM PT, every time you would get a normal sacrifice or Vortex reward, you’ll also get a bonus Assassin-themed reward in addition to normal sacrifice rewards! The bonus rewards are as follows: .tg ...

Conquer the Lord of Light to earn Warrior Hierophant AND Lilith Soul Fragments! Earn Warrior Hierophant Soul Fragments in the Lord of Light Dungeons from May 20th until May 23rd at 5pm PT! Each Lord of Light battle has a chance of dropping 5, 10 or if...