Face the Dragon King today! From December 2nd to December 4th at 4pm PT, each battle in any of the three Brave New World dungeons has a chance of dropping Valor Soul Fragments. Collect 200 Valor Soul Fragments and you can redeem them in the Book of...

Give Cyborg Eddie a test run! Try out a 5⭐Cyborg Eddie using your NPC Troopers! Our latest update added 3 NPC Troopers (Deathcleft, Captain, and Tomahawk) to each player’s account. These Troopers do not count towards your limit, and can be rented once a day for Trooper...

Earn Trooper Eddie faster in the Troopers Unite Event! From November 21st to the 25th, Trooper Soul Fragment bundles are available in the Special’s Store! Claim the following: Trooper Soul Fragments x100 for 650 Ironite. Available 1/event. Trooper Soul Fragments x10 for 500 Iron Coins. Available...

The bugle sounds… Trooper Eddie charges into Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast! This furious 5⭐Warrior is available exclusively from the Trooper Soul. The Trooper Soul also contains 3 other battle ready 5⭐characters: Lady Azov (5⭐Magus) - A single target true damage attacker that heals all allies...

Burn down the Lord of Light Dungeons in our latest character fragment event! Earn Wicker Man Soul Fragments in the Lord of Light Dungeons from November 4th - 6th at 4pm PST! Collect 200 Wicker Man Soul Fragments & claim a Soul guaranteed to produce a 4⭐Warrior...

Prepare to meet your maker! 5⭐Gunner Hallowed Eddie has arrived in the Book of Souls. This Eddie is a single target attacker who can provide a wide variety of potent positive and negative effects to become an unkillable machine Claim him today in the Hallowed Be Thy Game...

Battle in the Arena from October 19th to October 26th at 5pm PDT to earn an event exclusive character, the Sentinel Mayan Priestess PLUS fragments for the Ritual Soul! Every Battle you complete (win, loss or draw!) is GUARANTEED to give you either Priestess Soul or...