The Mystics belong to the Sisterhood of Seers, also known as the 19 Maidens of Avalon. These beings of Fate and Prophecy reside at the Well of Fate and help Avalon in maintaining world order. They use the Well to see into the Weaving of...

Crush the Lord of Light for event currency to earn a guaranteed 4⭐ character!   From now until March 16th at 5PM PT, each battle in the Lord of Light dungeons has a chance of dropping Mystic Currency. Collect 200 and you can redeem them in the...

Earn Talisman Souls from Event Challenges, and summon to claim GUARANTEED Cosmic Talismans.   From now until March 27th at 5pm PT, complete Event Challenges by powering up and evolving your characters and talismans to earn a variety of rewards including Cosmic Evolution Materials, Talisman Soul Fragments...

The Angels of Avalon are the Guardians of Excalibur and are led by the fearless Gabriel. They reside in the Palace of Angels, located in the highest tier of Avalon at the pinnacle of the island. This locale provides a view of everything that the...

Collect a new 5★ Gunner!   Strike with the might of Avalon! The Gunner Angel pummels enemy teams with various Burn effects and supports their team by giving allies Perfect Immortality, Perfect Revenge and Perfect Immunity. Pair the Gunner Angel with Gabriel, or the upcoming Sentinel Angel...

Isle of the Dead is a series of events that will run through the month of March. These events will all grant the exact same currency type - Lost Souls Currency!   There will be a total of 7 Isle of the Dead associated events.   Events where you...