Like clockwork, Different World Caretakers can be found at the bottom levels of mysterious facilities, watching over arcane productions and maintaining the machinery that drives much of the observable surface. Beings of incredible psionic abilities, they channel powerful energy through their minds to project force-fields...

Earn Heroic Mythical Soul Fragments, Gauntlet Summer Tour Currency and other Rare Rewards in the Gauntlet. The Summer Tour starts now and will run until September 12th 5pm PT. Battle through 11 Grades of Gauntlet, each presenting unique challenges and rewards to earn a place on...

--Classified Information-- MISSION: Different World [REDACTED] PRIORITY: Critical BRIEFING: [REDACTED] Agent B[REDACTED] is to be deployed to sector D[REDACTED]-6 aboard a Federation light frigate. Selected Agent has been briefed on the Mission Objective [REDACTED]. Note: psychoanalytical observations of deployed Agents show acute ability changes based on current Mission Objective....

Earn Talisman Souls from Event Challenges, and summon to claim GUARANTEED Cosmic Talismans. From now until August 25th at 5pm PT, complete Event Challenges by powering up and evolving your characters and talismans to earn a variety of rewards including Cosmic Evolution Materials, Talisman Soul Fragments...

From now until August 7th at 5PM PT, complete Event Challenges in the Labyrinth Frontier Dungeon to earn a variety of rewards, including Monstrous Currency, Talisman Soul Fragments, Salvaged Technology Currency and more! You can access the Dungeon by: Completing a repeatable event challenge (Spend 100 Sands...