Sacrifice for rare rewards! From now until July 31st at 5PM PT, earn bonuses from each tier of Sacrifice, in addition to normal sacrifice rewards: Tier I sacrifices have a bonus of either 3 Regency Fragment Tier II sacrifices have a bonus of 13 Regency Fragments Tier III sacrifices...

Conquer the Lord of Light to earn War Golem AND Lilith Soul Fragments! Earn War Golem in the Lord of Light Dungeons from July 17-20th at 5pm PT! Each Lord of Light battle has a chance of dropping 5, 10 or if you’re lucky, 50 fragments! Additionally,...

Earn Talisman Souls from Event Challenges, and summon to claim GUARANTEED Cosmic Talismans. From now until July 24th at 5pm PT, complete Event Challenges by powering up and evolving your characters and talismans to earn a variety of rewards including Cosmic Evolution Materials, Talisman Soul Fragments...

From now until July 14th at 5PM PT, complete Event Challenges in the Trooper Frontier Dungeon to earn a variety of rewards, including Empire Soul Fragments, Evo Materials, Martyr Fragments and more! We have recently added a second difficulty setting to this dungeon, so you can...

From now until July 7th at 5PM PT, complete Event Challenges in Skull Quests and Frontier Dungeons to earn a variety of rewards, including Frozen Wasteland Key Souls, Awakening Materials and Perilous Fragments! Perilous Fragments can be traded in store for high value items such as...