Earn Talisman Souls from Event Challenges, and summon to claim GUARANTEED Cosmic Talismans. From now until March 20th at 5PM PT, complete Event Challenges by powering up and evolving your characters and talismans to earn a variety of rewards including Cosmic Evolution Materials, Talisman Soul Fragments...

Ultimate Apocalypse is a series of events that will run through the month of March. These events will all grant the exact same currency type - Chaos Orbs! There will be a total of 9 Ultimate Apocalypse associated events. Events where you are earn Chaos Orbs Currency...

Angel Eddie and Gambler Eddie are going ‘ed to ‘ed! From now until March 31st 5pm PT, use either Angel Eddie or Gambler Eddie in 3 simple challenges. These challenges involve playing in the Cosmos, Lord of Light, Brave New World, Arena and Frontier Dungeons. Each battle...

From now until March 8th at 4PM PT, complete Event Challenges in the Final Journey Frontier Dungeon to earn a variety of rewards, including Spectral Soul Fragments, Awakening Shards, Chaos Orbs and more! You can access the Dungeon by: Completing a repeatable event challenge (Spend 100 Sands...

Earn Heroic Mythical Soul Fragments, Gauntlet Winter Tour Currency and other Rare Rewards in the Gauntlet. The Winter Tour starts now and will run until March 27th at 5pm PT. Battle through 11 Grades of Gauntlet, each presenting unique challenges and rewards to earn a place...