Enhanced Warriors Demonically corrupted Hunger of the soul Transformed into a brutish monster, some of the Mongolian forces have been chosen to take the dark gift of Oni corruption. Oni Mongol Warrior combines brute power with the ability to punish foes using Ghost and Dark Ghost. His ability...

Emperor's Shogun Amaterasu's Chosen Son of radiance Taking dual blades into battle and following a strict code of justice, the son of the Emperor, Prince Koreyasu is ready to lead Japanese forces against any foreign incursions. His Bushido Code punishes enemies and allows the Shogun Prince to revive...

Slicing through the wicked and corrupt, Senjutsu Eddie stands as a warrior against tyranny. Working well alongside those who follow the Bushido Code, this Eddie will quickly make work of weaker enemies while having the ability to grant a Bushido Code to those of pure...

The Divine Origins Mega Event is a series of events that will feature a number of incredible characters and epic rewards. Throughout the course of this event you will be able to collect Heavenly Currency which can be traded in for unique items in the Mega...

Earn Talisman Souls from Event Challenges, and summon to claim GUARANTEED Cosmic Talismans. From now until September 16th at 5pm PT, complete Event Challenges by powering up and evolving your characters and talismans to earn a variety of rewards including Cosmic Evolution Materials, Talisman Soul Fragments...