From now until April 10th at 5PM PT, complete Event Challenges in the Airstrip Frontier Dungeon to earn a variety of rewards, including Classified Parcels, Musical Awakening Shards, Egyptian Gemstones and more! You can access the Dungeon by: Completing a repeatable event challenge (Spend 100 Sands of...

Cursed Sandstorm is a series of events that will run through the month of April. These events will all grant the exact same currency type - Egyptian Gemstones! There will be a total of 8 Cursed Sandstorm associated events. Events where you are earn Egyptian Gemstones Currency...

Through the fog of crisis emerges Total Eclipse Eddie. This Eddie is a brilliant tactician and strategist, setting up pieces to fall long before his foes have time to comprehend his Master Plan. Total Eclipse Eddie is a toolbox of incredibly powerful effects, and it'll...